Workaholics put work first. Career and aspirations consume them. Workaholics are busy. They don't understand resting. Even though they need holidays, they refuse.
Capricorns adore money. They work hard to live luxuriously. The star sign is likewise obsessed with proving oneself to friends and family.
Taurus isn't a typical workaholic. Not money. They strive for excellence in their work. Taurus wants their business to prosper.
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Aries are determined to achieve their goals. The star sign is a workplace powerhouse.
Scorpios enjoy work. They work hard and rarely relax. They work hard to succeed professionally.
Leo is the most workaholic zodiac sign. Leos occasionally read business emails and texts on their days off. Because they can't leave work, fire signs worry about it all the time.
Perfectionist Virgos. They seldom like their work. They believe they can improve. They also dislike others' efforts.